Other Resin Test Pieces

I have always wanted to incorporate resin with my pictures, with using them in a photo frame. However I also wanted to see what it would be like just in resin its self. The first layer went well with little bubbles, however the second layer had more imperfections and little bubbles as I left it alone more instead of going back and making sure they were all out. Which I throughly regret as I think it could have been a good finished piece that could use for a multitude of purposes.

As well as the cubes I wanted to try the body moulds since I have seen example of them before and they looked very effective. Even with these three side by side you can see how my techniques have changed and improved. I think the middle is my favourite as I like how the gold leaf is scattered rather than bunch together like the other too.

I would like to try them again to see how else I can improve and what else I can add into the resin and the effects it would create.

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